Inner Game Healing
Optimizing Your Mind for Success
If you had a rough childhood…
If mom or dad wasn’t around a lot as a kid…
If you’ve ever experienced abuse - both mental or physical…
If you have an addiction to porn, sex, drugs, gambling or alcohol…
If you sabotage yourself constantly...
Or have low self-esteem...
You probably believe the reason you’re fucking up right now is because it’s all your fault.
You’re not wrong…
But you’re also not 100% right.
After working with thousands of men on my webinars and seeing patterns of success…
I’ve realized something important:
While the self-sabotage behaviors and negative self-talk seem like a reflection of you…
In reality…
They were put inside you by someone else without your permission.
Now you probably just read that and thought:
“Sounds like B.S., MLD"
I get it. And later you’ll see why I said it that way. Though for now, I ask you to keep an open mind because this may save your life.
If you have any of the problems I listed above and leave things unaddressed…
You Will Never Succeed Or More Importantly KEEP Your Success Because Deep Down… Something Is Wrong, You Know It, And Even If You Achieve Success You Will Eventually Destroy It!
I’ve seen it too many times to count.
Over the years I’ve helped thousands of men either directly with my coaching services and I see two completely different outcomes:
One group of men take in the information, apply it, and get the results. Their lives are changed forever.
While another group of men take that same exact information, do their best, but get temporary or zero results no matter how hard they try.
I couldn’t figure it out at first!
In the beginning I admittedly thought that some guys were just pussies, while others could get the job done.
But I realized, as we did one set of webinars after another…
…that there was something far deeper, far sinister than what I previously imagined.
That’s why I started putting my focus on a new and different way for you to succeed in the core 4 pillars of money, muscles, game, and frame.
It's called "Inner Game Healing". And it's very different from any of the methods you'll find online because of the results you’ll likely achieve.
In fact, you’ll think I’m lying when I claim that you will probably:
Double your income…
Get dozens more lays and…
KEEP the girls you want…
GET the dream body you desire…
…and most importantly get rid of your weak, horrible self image, and all the sabotaging behavior that comes with it.
While these claims sound like they may be too good to be true, I can make these claims because unlike out-dated solutions that plebs like to rely on…
I already have hundreds of success stories to prove that change can happen for you too and the biggest success story is ME.
My life IS the evidence...
I went through this internal hell for a DECADE and came out a winner on the other side!
Look, I'm what I’m about to show you is better than treating symptoms like:
- Low confidence
- Poor discipline
- Or an unhealthy body
- Fear of your girl cheating
- Fear of talking to a girl you like
I’ve found out the hard way that treating symptoms are a waste of time. That’s why…
This New Method Attacks The Problem Right At Its Core:
Where All The Devils Of The Mind Like To Hide…
Unlike other trusted methods…
This new solution is fast. It’s affordable. It doesn't require you to spend tens of thousands of dollars talking to a blue-pilled therapist - who let's face it, you can't be authentic around.
You won’t waste YEARS of your life in traditional psychotherapy...
Instead, this solution lets you "mute" that toxic voice in your head and feel better in a way that’s congruent with authentic, traditional masculinity.
So if you're finally ready to let go of the mental baggage that you know is holding you back…
Then you want to pay close attention to what I'm about to share with you:
First question...
If the difference between the successful and the non-successful is the “right knowledge”…
Why Is It That Some Guys Change Their Lives For The Better, Immediately and Permanently…
While Others Suffer For Years and Years Repeating Cycles of Failure with the Same Exact Information?
The clues are found in my own story…
If you’ve watched any of my Inner Game July series you know how many disadvantages I was dealing with on my come up as Supreme Leader of the Hot Dude Army. Aunt Milly, my cousins, and years of abuse really did a number on me.
While I was able to put on a face of courage and bravery throughout my growth over the last few years...
There was always a voice in my head ready to tear me down after any small mistake.
“It’s only a matter of time til you’ll fuck this up…”
It was like a heavy cloud hovered over me with an unwavering sense of doom.
As if no matter how many things I accomplished, I would always somehow inevitably fail and ruin it all.
Over the last couple of years I realized it wasn’t just me.
I’ve Witnessed A Deep Sickness of The Mind That Destroys A Majority of Men From The Inside Out
Anyone who has seen my 1-on-1 coaching conversations would’ve noticed this obvious trend:
Some guys would take the information given from the generals and immediately get MASSIVE results. Girls, money, status, crypto… you name it.
Other guys would take the same knowledge and screw it up for themselves right away or worse…
Get a bit of progress first, then get hit from their blindside when they least expect it.
For a long time I just chalked it up to “talent”. I didn’t think it could be anything else.
Yet, after talking with leaders like Inner Masculine, RP Thor, Paul from APEX Mindset and comparing notes with all the Generals in the Hot Dude Army...
I figured out what I believe will be revolutionary (if not already) in the “manosphere”.
I’m going to yell my personal epiphany at you so it gets through your skull:
Your Sick Inner Game Is Fucking You Up And ROBBING Your Potential As A Man!
Don’t blame yourself.
If you’re exposed to western culture at all, whether that’s in person… through family and friends… or non-stop through online media…
You’re destined to have sabotaging behavior from a poor self image.
Let me prove it to you:
Whether you’re on Twitch, Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter...
You’re surrounded by blue-pilled ideology that is telling you that your existence as a man is TOTALLY wrong.
You’re told masculinity as an idea is absolutely toxic, and that if the world was rid of men like you and I, it would be a far far better place.
The more you impose your will on others as a man, the more toxicaly masculine you are. Success is only reserved for women. You do not have a right or say in this ever. At all.
While you may scoff at the above and brush it off your shoulder, the reality is we’ve all been listening to this ideological garbage for 10… 20… 30… or even 50 years!
To say that this hasn’t affected your thinking or self image in any way is both ignorant and stupid. Just look at the younger generation where they know nothing except man-hatred.
Think the new ideology hasn’t affected them?
Is it any wonder that so many men feel lost, confused and need a lot of help?
Especially when the majority are told their very existence is a threat?
Look, there’s a chance you may have bought one of my courses and think you’re already “past” this chapter of your life.
Don’t kid yourself.
Just because you had a hypnosis session or two does not mean you’re “done”. Healthy Inner Game is a lifelong process and skillset that I believe is the most important to master.
So if anything I said so far has resonated…
This course is the one for you
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
Inner Game Healing Principles
Available in
after you enroll
StartControlling Your Self Talk
StartCounter Attack Negative Self Talk
StartZERO Negative Self Talk
StartYour Personal Life Statement
StartWriting Affirmations
StartYou're Always Brain Washing Yourself
StartDetoxing From All Media Sources
StartToxic Family, Friends, and Relationships
StartMind Movies
StartNutrition and Mental Health
StartStrategic House Design for Mindset
StartNegativity Relapse WILL Happen
StartStop Demanding Perfection from Yourself
StartEmotional Regulation and Processing
StartThis Will Feel Awkward at First
StartCongratulate Yourself Often
StartVisualization of your Future
Mind Movie Examples
Available in
after you enroll
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Are There Refunds?
No there are not. If you are not prepared to undergo this life changing process and you're worried about money instead, this isn't for you.